Arabian Nights Free Scripture

Posted By admin On 02.11.19

White's allusion to The Arabian Nights have any implied or hidden significance in the story? The arrival of Sergeant Major Morris, who has probably been in the.

Or the Thousand and One Nights, a collection of tales of various origin and date, traceable in their present form to the middle of the 15th century, and first translated into French by Galland in 1704. The thread on which they are strung is this: A Persian monarch having made a vow that he would marry a fresh bride every night and sacrifice her in the morning, the vizier's daughter obtained permission to be the first bride, and began a story which broke off at an interesting part evening after evening for a thousand and one nights, at the end of which term the king, it is said, released her and spared her life. Copyright Statement Public Domain. Bibliography Information Wood, James, ed.

1001 Arabian Nights Free Ebook


Entry for 'Arabian Nights'. The Nuttall Encyclopedia. Frederick Warne & Co Ltd.