Driver License Parser Ffxiv

Posted By admin On 20.09.19
  1. Autodesk License Parser
  2. Drivers License Parser

Ffxiv-act-log-parser - A basic parser for Advanced Combat Tracker's FFXIV Network logs.

Actually, yes. Technically it's not pandering to the JP community but not paying as much attention to the NA/EU community. It's a JP game after all. There are some issues, but it's nothing that heavily impacts the game itself, though.

Bots, zoom/tp/speed hacks are pretty rare (at least relative to other MMOs out there), they fly under the radar here in NA/EU most of the time, whereas they're caught a lot more on the jp servers. Probably the biggest thing is horrid customer support and english GMs operating more on a 'at the GMs discretion' kind of mindset rather than sticking to a set of policies (SE's policies are notoriously unclear as well) after I said all that it seems kinda serious, but tl;dr they dont really matter unless you're the type of person to spend your entire day in the game. ITT: People criticizing South Korean rules for being too strict.


Other than the fact that each account is linked to your SSN, Korea takes their computer games very seriously in general. They even passed a law to punish hackers in video games last year. Online computer games is part of their culture - which also plays a role in why they are so dominant in the games they play. Don't be judgemental. Edit: Also, Mata, being a pro player in the most popular game of the country (and world), is basically a public figure, a role model for kids, who's held at a higher standards than others.

Normal folks caught using their mom's SSN in games are practically never punished. 500$ is nothing to Mata. 25 hrs community service is like volunteering for a weekend. He can still play scrims using tournament realm.

It's a slap on the wrist. Fit for a minor infraction. Adding on to this, esports and shady business is very negatively stigmatized, especially by most news sources (local and nationwide) and politicians, who run stories about how video games ruin children and is a social plague so that they get views and support. (as some do in most countries) But in Korean culture groupthink is a lot stronger and therefore the stigma tends to be much more extreme. There has been a metric fuckton of negative press for match-fixing and illegal betting, notable examples being sAviOr, Life, ahq Korea, and others and a lot of the press used this to claim that video gaming is harmful in general which in turn hurt KeSPA (Korea's official presiding esports org) which in turn makes them a lot more sensitive to anything illegal.

That being said this is most definitely an overreaction and Mata drew the short stick. But it comes as no surprise to Koreans that KeSPA and Riot Korea are incompetent. They refused to ban a popular streamer that was obviously scripting, tried to sue Blizzard because they didn't want to pay royalties to them when they broadcast StarCraft, etc. If you do the same thing and say 'English only' on any of the japanese servers, it's a bannable offense. But JP only is fine.

Nah, it isn't bannable as long as you're specifying language and not ethnicity. A couple months back there was a 2ch thread about a dude who wrote 'JP native only' or 'JP people only' in his PFs and got perma'd for racism. Also this doesn't go both ways, JP players will never join an English PF. English players always try to sneak into the JP parties for some reason and then get angry when they get kicked. Its that entitled, disrespectful attitude that jp players kick english ones for. Show up with a japanese-speaking friend or some research and a simple translator, good dps, melds, food, and pots and they 100% wont give a shit.

Ive played on tonberry for a while and neither me or my friends spoke japanese, and we pugged savage and ex just fine. We followed their strats and did research into fights before doing them. Later on when we did make some japanese friends we would usually put up a japanese pf because if we set it to English we'd get the same few bad apples from the same few FCs that never knew what they were doing.

Autodesk License Parser

Its not some kind of xenophobia or racism (maybe a little bit of developed racism? Idk) its just that English speaking players are a pain in the ass because they're so volatile or inconsistent.

They should only add a parser system to hardcore content like Savage Modes, Extreme Trials and Ultimate Coils. The thing is, people perform the same in 'hardcore' content and 'casual' content. You don't get magically better or worse depending on which instance you're in. And, people that don't do 'hardcore' content and only stick to 'casual' content can still underperform to the point where they are dead-weights even in the 'casual' content and creates an overall poor experience for everybody in the party, themselves included. This is the kind of stuff that gets people called out and ends in a mess, partly because there is no system to hold the underperforming player accountable, and there is no system to help that player improve.

A parser is an objective check of 'am I up to par.' Pretty much any MMO sub apart from this one is flooded with questions of 'is X dps at X ilvl OK?' Because most people want to be 'decent.' If an in-game or official 3rd party parser was added to FFXIV it would be no different - the vast majority of players would use it mainly to check their own performance and look to improve. What I'm saying is, everyone running a parser and being aware of their own contributions greatly outweighs the supposed negatives. There's no good reason as to why people should not be aware of their own performance in 'non-hardcore' content.

Probably the only reason stopping the dev team from implementing official parsers is how it'd work with ps4. 2) Yes, it's really low. Even with the squad fully upgraded it will still be so low the breeding event feels extremely random.

3) Yes, you can only find unsubdued Innocents that are already on the item, at least normally. You can cause unsubdued Innocents that AREN'T on the item to spawn via the bonus stage event on the Innocent Enhancement route or the Cheat Shop mystery room. However, finding a Statistician this way is extremely rare (it's a pretty rare Innocent in general). The most direct way to get more Statistcians is to obtain as many high rank/rarity items that you can find and scour them for unsubdued Statistcians then dump em on a 8-slot item already set to Innocent Enhance route, coupled with a maxed out Hunter Squad (if this isn't unlocked already, keep running IW until it is).

In this process you can also start saving other useful rare Innocents such as Instructors, Mentors, Professionals, and elemental / weapon resists. Note that the small yellow star in the icon indicates that the Innocent is 'capped' and cannot grow any more in the Innocent Farm. You can combine them with un-capped Innocents, it will then keep growing in the farm. Innocents also have an upper limit or 'hard cap,' which is 50000 for stat boosts and 900 for Statistcians, 100 for Professionals, and at this point you will not be able to combine them any more and they will be starred/capped, and you'll be 'done.'

Speaking from experience, the full game will download in under 30m in Korea. Most cafes will let you plug in an external hard drive, they don't actually block the ports or anything, they're just hard to reach. They will have the option of either plugging in your own or bringing your own headphones/earphones but you will be stuck with their keyboard and mouse. Some of the cheaper ones don't keep headphones at seats so you have to ask for them at the counter. People in cafes are pretty loud, especially around 3-10pm (legally, they have to kick out minors before 10pm, but nothing stops them from being obnoxious before then), and the place is gonna smell like cigarette smoke. You are also not able to use VPNs, which would make playing on Aether/Primal impossible b/c lag and dc's.

Drivers License Parser

There are also driver issues with DX11 that used to pop up quite frequently across a lot of cafes (they mostly run the same software) according to my friends, not sure if that's fixed yet. All in all, I would not recommend trying unless you have time for multiple visits to the same cafe AND you are already playing on a JP datacenter AND you have an external hd capable of holding and copying the game in a short time.