Edit File Version Information For Adapter

Posted By admin On 14.10.19

FAQ - Octave. This is a list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) for GNU Octave users. Feel free to edit this page with your changes. If you have general questions. As part of our build process I need to set the version information. How do I set the version information for an existing. Visual Studio can also add/edit file.

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Easy Way to Update The Version Information From now on, you don't have to change version variables manually every time you rebuild your project. Application developers often need a command-line utility to allow modification of file version information on existing Windows EXE and DLL, or binary RES files. While these files already contain a Version Info resource (embedded into the executable during linking), Resource Tuner Console enables you to automatically stamp their version during the release process to insure consistency, and allows you to edit specific version number fields individually.

If for whatever reasons, your files contain no Version Information resource, Resource Tuner Console will add this resource for you. For instance, you have got code that depends on the value of the 'Product Version' property of the setup.exe file, and the installations you have generated are missing the 'build #' portion of that version. You may use to modify the properties of the setup.exe after you build it, but it is a manual process that you would rather not have to do every time you build a new release. Another usage for Resource Tuner Console may be to fix the VB6 PE file version numbers, as Visual Basic does not set the 'release' part of the version numbers. Every Field in the VERSIONINFO Structure Is Under Your Control Let's get started with updating the Version Information. For example, we have a file with the Version Information like this: Info: VSVERSIONINFO FileVersion: ProductVersion: Child Type: StringFileInfo Language/Code Page: 1033/1252 CompanyName: Acme Corporation FileDescription: Hello World Application FileVersion: 1.0 (pre-build) ProductVersion: 1.0 InternalName: Generic application LegalCopyright: Copyright © 1999 Acme Corp. LegalTrademarks: OriginalFilename: application.exe ProductName: Comments: The objective is to turn the Version Information into this: Child Type: StringFileInfo FileVersion: ProductVersion: Child Type: StringFileInfo Language/Code Page: 1033/1252 CompanyName: My Company Name, Inc.

FileDescription: Yet Another Killer Product FileVersion: 5.1 (desktop client) ProductVersion: 5.1 InternalName: Hot product LegalCopyright: Copyright © 2018 My Company, Inc. LegalTrademarks: your trademarks here. OriginalFilename: superapplication.exe ProductName: Super Application Comments: Powered by ResTuner Console The Script Used To Update The Version Information This script code is based on the sample script. It may be helpful to use this example as a template for your own scripts. See also: and '- Sub Main LangID = 1033 ' English-US CP = ScriptUnit.CodePageFromLangID(LangID) PEFileProxy.OpenFile '. Src superapplication.exe' if not PEFileProxy.Terminated then if PEFileProxy.HasResources then ResourcesProxy.SetLanguage LangID, DELETEIFEXISTS if ResourcesProxy.OpenVersionInfo('1', LangID, CREATEIFNOTEXIST) then VersionInfoProxy.SetFileVersion 5, 1, 4, 20, LangID, True, True, True VersionInfoProxy.SetProductVersion 5, 1, 0, 0, LangID, True, True, True S1 = 'My Company' S2 = 'Yet Another Super Editor' S3 = '5.1 (desktop client)' S4 = '5.1' S5 = 'Hot product' S6 = 'Copyright 0xA9 2018 My Company, Inc.' S7 = 'your trademarks here.'

Windows Bitmap.bmp,.dib image/bmp, image/x-bmp 'BMP ' 'BMPf' 'BMPp' com.microsoft.bmp Developed by Type of format? For The BMP file format, also known as bitmap image file or device independent bitmap (DIB) file format or simply a bitmap, is a used to store, independently of the (such as a ), especially on and operating systems. The BMP file format is capable of storing digital images both and color, in various, and optionally with, and. The (WMF) specification covers the BMP file format. Among others defines BMP constants and structures. – The structure of the bitmap image file Microsoft has defined a particular representation of color bitmaps of different color depths, as an aid to exchanging bitmaps between devices and applications with a variety of internal representations. They called these device-independent bitmaps or DIBs, and the file format for them is called DIB file format or BMP image file format.

According to Microsoft support: A device-independent bitmap (DIB) is a format used to define device-independent bitmaps in various color resolutions. The main purpose of DIBs is to allow bitmaps to be moved from one device to another (hence, the device-independent part of the name). A DIB is an external format, in contrast to a device-dependent bitmap, which appears in the system as a bitmap object (created by an application.). A DIB is normally transported in metafiles (usually using the StretchDIBits function), BMP files, and the Clipboard (CFDIB data format).

The following sections discuss the data stored in the BMP file or DIB in detail. This is the standard BMP file format. Some applications create bitmap image files which are not compliant with the Microsoft documentation.

Also, not all fields are used; a value of 0 will be found in these unused fields. File structure The bitmap image file consists of fixed-size structures (headers) as well as variable-size structures appearing in a predetermined sequence.

Many different versions of some of these structures can appear in the file, due to the long evolution of this file format. DIBs in memory A bitmap image file loaded into memory becomes a DIB data structure – an important component of the Windows GDI API. The in-memory DIB data structure is almost the same as the BMP file format, but it does not contain the 14-byte bitmap file header and begins with the DIB header. For DIBs loaded in memory, the color table can also consist of 16-bit entries that constitute indexes to the currently realized palette (an additional level of indirection), instead of explicit RGB color definitions.

In all cases, the pixel array must begin at a memory address that is a multiple of 4 bytes. In non-packed DIBs loaded in memory, the optional color profile data should be located immediately after the color table and before the gap1 and pixel array (unlike in diag.

When the size of gap1 and gap2 is zero, the in-memory DIB data structure is customarily referred to as 'packed DIB' and can be referred to by a single pointer pointing to the beginning of the DIB header. In all cases, the pixel array must begin at a memory address that is a multiple of 4 bytes.

In some cases it may be necessary to adjust the number of entries in the color table in order to force the memory address of the pixel array to a multiple of 4 bytes. For 'packed DIBs' loaded in memory, the optional color profile data should immediately follow the pixel array, as depicted in diag. 1 (with gap1=0 and gap2=0).

'Packed DIBs' are required by clipboard API functions as well as by some Windows patterned brush and resource functions. Bitmap file header This block of bytes is at the start of the file and is used to identify the file. A typical application reads this block first to ensure that the file is actually a BMP file and that it is not damaged. The first 2 bytes of the BMP file format are the character 'B' then the character 'M' in encoding. All of the integer values are stored in format (i.e.

Least-significant byte first). Offset hex Offset dec Size Purpose 00 0 2 bytes The used to identify the BMP and DIB file is 0x42 0x4D in, same as BM in ASCII. The following entries are possible:.

BM – Windows 3.1x, 95, NT. BA – OS/2 struct bitmap array. CI – OS/2 struct color icon. CP – OS/2 const color pointer. IC – OS/2 struct icon. PT – OS/2 pointer 02 2 4 bytes The size of the BMP file in bytes 06 6 2 bytes Reserved; actual value depends on the application that creates the image 08 8 2 bytes Reserved; actual value depends on the application that creates the image 0A 10 4 bytes The offset, i.e.

Starting address, of the byte where the bitmap image data (pixel array) can be found. DIB header (bitmap information header) This block of bytes tells the application detailed information about the image, which will be used to display the image on the screen. The block also matches the header used internally by Windows and OS/2 and has several different variants. All of them contain a dword (32-bit) field, specifying their size, so that an application can easily determine which header is used in the image. The reason that there are different headers is that Microsoft extended the DIB format several times.

The new extended headers can be used with some GDI functions instead of the older ones, providing more functionality. Since the GDI supports a function for loading bitmap files, typical Windows applications use that functionality. One consequence of this is that for such applications, the BMP formats that they support match the formats supported by the Windows version being run. See the table below for more information. Windows and OS/2 bitmap headers Size Header name OS support Features Written by 12 BITMAPCOREHEADER OS21XBITMAPHEADER or later 1.x 64 OS22XBITMAPHEADER BITMAPCOREHEADER2 Adds. Adds and 1D compression. 16 OS22XBITMAPHEADER This variant of the previous header contains only the first 16 bytes and the remaining bytes are assumed to be zero values.

An example of such a case is the graphic pal8os2v2-16.bmp of the BMP Suite. 40 BITMAPINFOHEADER, or later Adds 16 bpp and 32 bpp formats. Adds RLE compression. 52 BITMAPV2INFOHEADER Undocumented Adds RGB bit masks. Adobe Photoshop 56 BITMAPV3INFOHEADER Not officially documented, but this documentation was posted on Adobe's forums, by an employee of Adobe with a statement that the standard was at one point in the past included in official MS documentation Adds bit mask.

Adobe Photoshop 108 BITMAPV4HEADER, or later Adds color space type and 124 BITMAPV5HEADER, or later Adds Offset (hex) Offset (dec) Size (bytes) OS/2 1.x BITMAPCOREHEADER 0E 14 4 The size of this header (12 bytes) 12 18 2 The bitmap width in pixels (unsigned 16-bit) 14 20 2 The bitmap height in pixels (unsigned 16-bit) 16 22 2 The number of color planes, must be 1 18 24 2 The number of bits per pixel OS/2 1.x bitmaps are uncompressed and cannot be 16 or 32 bpp Versions after BITMAPCOREHEADER only add fields to the end of the header of the previous version. For example: BITMAPV2INFOHEADER adds fields to BITMAPINFOHEADER, and BITMAPV3INFOHEADER adds fields to BITMAPV2INFOHEADER.

An integrated alpha channel has been introduced with the undocumented BITMAPV3INFOHEADER and with the documented BITMAPV4HEADER (since ) and is used within logon and theme system as well as Microsoft Office (since v2000); it is supported by some software, such as since version 7 and since version MX 2004 (then known as Macromedia Flash). It is also supported by, and. For compatibility reasons, most applications use the older DIB headers for saving files. With OS/2 no longer supported after Windows 2000, for now the common Windows format is the BITMAPINFOHEADER header. See next table for its description. All values are stored as unsigned integers, unless explicitly noted.

Version information for sql server

2 – The BITFIELDS mechanism for a 32-bit pixel depicted in RGBAX sample length notation The sample fields defined by the BITFIELDS bit masks have to be contiguous and non-overlapping, but the order of the sample fields is arbitrary. The most ubiquitous field order is: Alpha, Blue, Green, Red (MSB to LSB). The red, green and blue bit masks are valid only when the Compression member of the DIB header is set to BIBITFIELDS. The alpha bit mask is valid whenever it is present in the DIB header or when the Compression member of the DIB header is set to BIALPHABITFIELDS ( only). Of a 2×2 pixel bitmap, with 24 bits/pixel encoding Example 1 Following is an example of a 2×2 pixel, 24-bit bitmap (Windows DIB header BITMAPINFOHEADER) with pixel format RGB24.

Offset Size Hex Value Value Description BMP Header 0h 2 42 4D 'BM' ID field (42h, 4Dh) 2h 4 46 00 00 00 70 bytes (54+16) Size of the BMP file 6h 2 00 00 Unused Application specific 8h 2 00 00 Unused Application specific Ah 4 36 00 00 00 54 bytes (14+40) Offset where the pixel array (bitmap data) can be found DIB Header Eh 4 28 00 00 00 40 bytes Number of bytes in the DIB header (from this point) 12h 4 02 00 00 00 2 pixels (left to right order) Width of the bitmap in pixels 16h 4 02 00 00 00 2 pixels (bottom to top order) Height of the bitmap in pixels. Positive for bottom to top pixel order.

Of a 4×2 pixel bitmap, with 32 bits/pixel encoding Example 2 Following is an example of a 4×2 pixel, 32-bit bitmap with opacity values in the alpha channel (Windows DIB Header BITMAPV4HEADER) with pixel format ARGB32. Murray; William vanRyper (April 1996). (Second ed.). Retrieved 2014-03-07. Murray; William vanRyper (April 1996). (Second ed.). Retrieved 2014-03-07.

Retrieved 2014-03-12. Microsoft Help and Support. Retrieved 2015-05-14.


^ MSDN - BITMAPINFOHEADER (Windows CE 5.0):. ^ MSDN. ^ MSDN. Feng Yuan - Windows graphics programming: Win32 GDI and DirectDraw:. Summers, Jason (2015-10-30).

Retrieved 2016-07-06. Summers, Jason (2015-10-30). Retrieved 2016-07-06. Cox, Chris (2010-11-15).

From the original on 2015-01-27. Retrieved 2016-05-22. MSDN – BITMAPV4HEADER:. MSDN – RGBQUAD:. see note under biClrUsed. MSDN - BITMAPINFOHEADER:.

Retrieved 2014-03-16. MSDN:. ^ Adobe Photoshop:. ^. Retrieved 2014-03-11. General Documentation.

Retrieved 2014-02-23. Julian Smart; Stefan Csomor & Kevin Hock (2006). Prentice Hall.

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Digital Preservation. Retrieved 2014-03-11. External links., at digicamsoft.com., at herdsoft.com., at kalytta.com (A2R10G10B10 not yet supported). at Dr.

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Dobb's journal of software tools (drdobbs.com), March 1995.