Human Resource Management Managing Employees For Competitive Advantage Ebook

Posted By admin On 29.10.19

Human Resources Management Managing Employees For Competitive Advantage Chapter 2 David Lepak, Mary Gowan.

  1. Economics

For Undergrad or MBA level Human Resource Mgmt courses; Appropriate for both majors and non-majors. The book specifically focuses on helping students learn about managing employees rather than managing the HR function. Further, the text highlights the importance of managing employees in context and heightens the integration of these HR activities with each other and within the context of organizational demands and environmental influences to achieve a competitive advantage.

The following are pedagogical features that support the framework and goals of this book:. About the Author(s) David Lepak is Professor of Human Resource Management and Chairperson of the Human Resource Management department in the School of Management and Labor Relations at Rutgers University.

He received his PhD in management from the Pennsylvania State University. He teaches and conducts research on a variety of human resource topics with an emphasis on strategic human resource management and has presented his research to domestic and international audiences. He is associate editor of Academy of Management Review and has served on the editorial boards of Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management, Human Resource Management, British Journal of Management, and Journal of Management Studies. Mary Gowan is Professor of Management and Dean of the Martha and Spencer Love School of Business at Elon University. She received her PhD in business administration from the University of Georgia.

In addition to her administrative responsibilities as a dean, she teaches and conducts research in human resource management with a focus on career management and international human resources. She has published her research in academic and practitioner journals, is on the editorial review boards of the Journal of Management and Human Resource Management. She is also a member of the SHRM Foundation Board, the Alamance Country Chamber of Commerce, and the Piedmont Triad Leadership Initiative. Her consulting experience is with major corporations such as Lockheed-Martin and Harris Teeter Corporation as well as with government and nonprofit agencies.

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Human Resource Management (competitive advantage) 1. Abstract In today’s fast-paced economy competition is an issue of services and products. Much attention has been directed to a better service and the best product and how this can be achieved through utilizing the human resources. This research paper identifies the competitive advantage concepts and models, competitive strategies and the main human resource practices that have a significant impact on the employee’s performance. Understanding sources of competitive advantage has become a major area of research in the field of strategic management. Finally a summary of practical criteria of best practice for competitive advantage is presented and a general discussion and recommendations have been drawn. Introduction The firm is regarded as a cohesive organism, which learns to adopt or find better ways of doing things essentially in response to its environment.

The question then is what really the firm should do to maintain or to optimize its situation in its environment? Should it focus on its financial situation, its technology, or its human resources? To answer this question we should at first see what other researchers have concluded. Coff 1994 argues that human assets are a key source of sustainable advantage because of causal ambiguity and systematic information making them inimitable.

Guest 1990 says that if management trust their workers and give them challenging assignments, workers in return will respond with high motivation, high commitment and high performance. Gratton 1997 identified six factors for success: the commitment of top management; the motivation and aspirations of recruits; the core 2. capabilities of the management team; the team’s aspiration; its ability to build and maintain alliances; and the integration of the business into a global network. What does that mean to us? Its means that sources of competitive advantage have shifted from financial resources to technology resources and now to human capital. In other words, success does not depend primarily on the size of the budget or the products supporting technologies.

It really depends on employee’s attitudes, competencies and skills; their ability to generate commitment and trust, communicate aspirations and work in complex relationships. Now we know one of the sources of competitive advantage which is the employees, then what do we have to do to achieve competitive advantage through them? The answer lies in competitive strategy and human resource practices. Then what is the competitive strategy? And what are the human resource practices Competitive Advantage When a firm is implementing a value creating strategy not simultaneously being implemented by any current or potential competitors, then we can say the firm has a Competitive advantage. And when a firm is implementing a value creating strategy not simultaneously being implemented by any current or potential competitors and when these other firms are unable to duplicate the benefits of this strategy, then we can say the firm has a sustained competitive advantage (Barney 1991). There are two major models that have to be considered.

The first one is the position or environmental model and the second one is the resource-based view model. 3. The Position or Environmental Model. In order to achieve a competitive advantage, the firm is required to make a choice about the type of competitive advantage it seeks to attain and the scope within which it will attain it. Choosing the competitive scope or the range of the firm’s activities can play a powerful role in determining competitive advantage because it aims to establish a profitable and sustainable position against the forces that determine your industry competition. What is competitive strategy?


Porter 1985 defines the competitive strategy as the positioning of a company in its competitive environment. Also Porter has posed two important questions: 1. What is the structure or the attractiveness of the industry which the company is in? What is the company’s position in its competitive environment? To answer the first question a company, as an organization, should analyze their industry by focusing on the following points (industrial analysis):. Begin with understanding your industry. Focus attention on significant force.

Watch out for industry change. 4. To answer the second question (competitive position), the following question should be asked:. How does a company achieve superior performance?

To be a superior performer in the engineering industry or any industry, the company must have a sustainable competitive advantage which its rival cannot copy or duplicate. The competitive advantage can be sustained in one of the two ways (Porter 1985):- 1. Either the company can be lucky enough to come up with something that its rivals cannot copy which is very rare, or 2. The company is improving so fast that its rivals can not catch up. Porter shows that there are five competitive forces which play a major role in the company success or failure 1. The entry of new competitors, 2. The threat of substitutes, 3.

The bargaining power of suppliers, 4. The bargaining power of buyers, and 5. The rivalry among the existing competitors. The collective strength of these five competitive forces determines the ability of firms in an industry to earn on average, a rate of return on investment in excess of the cost of the capital. Porter also notes that a business can develop a sustainable competitive advantage by following two strategies; cost leadership strategy or differentiation strategy. Cost Leadership Strategy: the primary focus of a cost leadership strategy is to achieve low costs relative to competitors.

Lowering 5. costs lead to lowering prices, which can increase demand for products or services, but if the product or services cannot be produced at a lower cost it also reduces profit margins. To compete based on cost, managers must address labour, materials, overheads, and other costs, and to design a system that lowers the cost per unit of the product or service. Often, lowering costs requires additional investment in automated facilities, equipment and employees skill. Differentiation Strategy: the primary focus of a differentiation strategy is Creating uniqueness such that the organization’s goods and services are clearly Distinguished from those of its competitors.

In other words the focus is on creativity and innovation which have long been recognized as necessary for bringing the required change to obtain the competitive advantage Schuler and Jackson 1987 have emerged from Porter discussion of competitive advantage three competitive advantage strategies that organizations can use to gain competitive advantage: Innovation strategy: the primary focus here is developing products or services different from those of competitors or offering something new and different. A vital component of any innovation strategy is getting employees to broaden their skills. Quality enhancement strategy: the primary focus here is enhancing the product and/or services.

Quality enhancement often means changing the processes of production in ways that require workers to be more involved and more flexible. Cost reduction strategy: firms typically attempt to gain competitive advantage by being the lowest cost producer. 6.

The question is who brings the innovation, quality and the cost reduction strategy to the firm? It comes from the right employee who is motivated by the right human resources practices.

In the next sections we will deal with the issues of how the right employee is employed and motivated. The Resource-Based View Model What are the firm resources?

Firm resources include all assets, capabilities, organizational processes, firm attributes, information, knowledge, etc. Controlled by a firm that enable the firm to conceive of and implement strategies that improve its efficiency (doing things right) and effectiveness (doing the right things). In the language of traditional strategic analysis, firm resources are strengths that firms can use to conceive of and implement their strategies.

Firm resources can be conveniently classified into three categories: physical capital resources, human capital resources and organizational capital resources. Physical capital resources include the physical technology used in a firm, a firm’s plant and equipment, its geographic location, and access to raw materials. Human capital resources include the training, experience, judgment, intelligence, relationships and insight of individual managers and workers in a firm. The organizational capital resources include a firm’s formal reporting structure, its formal and informal planning, controlling, and coordinating systems, as well as relations among groups within a firm and between a firm and those in its environment (Barney 1991: 101). The resource-based view of the firm is presently being touted as an alternative theory of strategy to that developed by Porter 1985. Instead of focusing on positioning in the product market, it argues that firms achieve sustainable competitive advantage by 7. developing resources, which add unique or rare value, which can’t easily be copied by others.

Thus the firm with superior access to physical resources, which others can not buy, holds a superior advantage. For example, a manufacturing firm, which invents a superior process technology, holds an advantage over its rivals. Wright, et al.

1994 has shown that the human resources can be a source of Competitive advantage because they meet the criteria for being a source of sustainable Competitive advantage. Human resources add value to the firm, are rare and cannot be Imitated and are not sustainable. Also they have characterized human resources by unique historical conditions, causal ambiguity and social complexity, which means that not all firms can successfully develop human resources as a sustain competitive advantage through imitating the HR practices of firms that have successfully developed human resources. Pfeiffer has issued sixteen practices of competitive advantage through people 1.

Employment security 2. Incentive pay 3. Participation and empowerment 4. Symbolic egalitarianism 5. Long-term perspective 6. Selectivity in recruiting 7.

Employee ownership 8. Teams and job redesign 9. Wage compression 10.Measurement of practices 11.Cross-utilization & cross-training 12.High wage 13.Information sharing 8. 14.Training and skill development 15.Promotion from within 16.Overarching philosophy.

Competitive advantage can best be achieved by seeking improvement in the management of people, in other words, through better utilization of human resources. From the standpoint of researchers interested in competitive advantage, the resource- based view of the firm provides a framework for examining the rule of human resources in competitive success and forces us to think more clearly about the quality of the workforce skills at various levels and the quality of the motivation climate created by strategic human resource management (Boxall 1996). The next section will focus on the strategic human resource management and competitive advantage. Competitive Advantage through Job Analysis, Job Description and Job Evaluation Job Analysis The job analysis looks at the behavioral needs of a particular competitive strategy (cost leadership or differentiation) role peculiar to the culture and organization of the company. It is like performing a Personal Profile Analysis on an imaginary person. The goal is to define the ideal individual for the job position from the perspective of the company and the employees that the successful applicant will work with.

Job analysis is the process of collecting information and making judgments about a specific job. From the stand point of researchers, that competitive advantage only occur when employee’s knowledge, skills and ability can add 9. value to the firm, are rare, cannot be imitated and are not sustainable. In order to target employees with the requisite knowledge, skills and ability, the job has to be carefully defined.

The HRM literature promotes careful job definition in the belief that it will have two effects. First, it is commonly believed to assist targeting and attraction of potential recruits.

Second, job analysis helps potential recruits to make up their own minds about whether to apply or not. Job Description The job description is generally used to identify the responsibilities, the objectives associated with each specific task and the reward that associated with good performance. In order to accomplish the employment relationship effectively, work has to be designed, programmed, costed, organized and co-coordinated. In other words detailed job description, otherwise can be used by an employee to define what s/he is not prepared to (“that’s not part of my job” or I’m not paid to do that”). In a dynamic environment it is impossible to have a good job description because anticipating the environment changes in advance is impossible. But that does not mean we should not describe the job as detailed as possible.

Job Evaluation Once jobs have been analyzed and described, the job evaluation began by considering several job factors such as: working conditions, necessary technical KSA (Knowledge, Skills and Ability) and behavior, salaries and required managerial skills. A rating of each factor is made on a standard scale, and the total rating points can be used to rank jobs hierarchically. The recruiting and selection model appendix A can be used in the rating process 10. by using different criteria and weights such as the above- mentioned job factors. Competitive Advantage through the Generic Function of HRM The aim of Human Resource Management is seen as the optimization of human resources value. Researchers suggest three ‘generic functions’ of HRM, namely, selection, appraisal and rewards that act as independent variables, in a cycle of human resource interventions on the dependent variable of performance. Selection Security in employment and reliance on the work force for competitive success mean that one must be careful to choose the right people, in the right way.

The question then is what does the firm want? Employees with more competencies 2.

Employees who self-develop without the need for company training 3. Employees who have more ideas that are implemented 4.

Employees that have a lower error rate, number of discipline incidents and Absenteeism rate 5. Employees that have a higher customer satisfaction, higher performance appraisal scores, bonus rates and promotion rates 6. Employees that require 'low maintenance' from managers 7. Employees that stays longer before quitting 8.

Employees who produce more return for every dollar of salary paid to them Selection can be regarded as the primary mechanism in enhancing the organization capabilities. The individual behaviour and learning ability can optimise the organization’s situation in its environment. The goal of selecting program is to ensure that the 11.

firm is hiring only the highest ability individual. Then the firm must be able to identify high ability individuals and also the firm must be able to attract and retain those applicants deemed to be of the highest ability. Saori destiny japanese chaos rarity. But in an increasingly competitive market, it can be almost as hard to attract the right staff as to attract the right customers.

Performance Appraisal and Performance Management Performance appraisal is defined as a process by which an organization measures and evaluates an individual employee’s behaviour and accomplishments for a finite time period. Measuring/reviewing and evaluating the performance of employees is arguably one of the most important tasks for any manager, since critical decisions rely on the accurate assessment of an employee’s behaviour. Historically, organizations tended to develop a performance appraisal instrument and forms administrated on an annual basis. Even though managers have been repeatedly told that performance review should be more than just an annual event, they do not always do it. Employees are often not coached and counseled throughout the year, so when review time arrives, they do not know what to expect. This leads only to confusion and resentment. The question then is how performance appraisal can be done better and more effectively?

The answer may be in the approach to managing known as performance management. Performance Management has three basic components: planning, managing and appraising performance Rewards Rewards, both financial and otherwise, send a powerful message to employees of an organization as to what kind of organization 12.

management seeks to create and maintain, and what kind of behaviour and attitudes management seeks from its employees. According to a report by the American Compensation Associations, August 1996. “When it comes to reinforcing team behaviour, the reward system is one of the most effective and influential tools available to the organization” What is the purpose of reward systems?

Reward system is intended to motivate certain performance. But under what conditions will rewards actually motivate employees?

To be useful, rewards must be seen as timely and tied to effective performance. Employees must believe effective performance will lead to certain rewards. For example attaining certain results will lead to a bonus or approval from others.

Employees must feel that the rewards offered are attractive. Some employees may desire promotions because they seek power, but others want a fringe benefit, such as a pension, because they are older and want retirement security. Employees must believe a certain level of individual effort will lead to achieving the Corporation’s standards of performance. As indicated, motivation to exert effort is triggered by the prospect of desired rewards: money or recognition which may take the form of annual award ceremonies and expensive accommodation and entertainment, promotion, and so forth. Competitive Advantage through Leadership 13. The core strength of any organization comes from its employees. To develop and strengthen them will lead to a solid foundation for the organization’s future.

Good HRM does not happen by accident. It takes strong executive leadership to bring about positive patterns of employment relationships. The manager must continue to develop himself and also have a commitment to help his employees develop their full potential. The employees depend on the managers, and the organization depends on them for its success. Many researchers believe that for organizations to maintain a competitive advantage they must focus on enhancing performance through a process of continual learning. Also they believe that by focusing on sound and effective leadership skills at every level can provide the catalyst to motivate individuals, teams and human networks to achieve peak performance. Top managers Requirement The manager takes responsibility for planning, monitoring, and controlling the business performance.

Usual first tasks are to set the goals and objectives to prepare a preliminary budget, schedule and select the group members, setting a training program if required, ensure required supplies are available and generally try to do whatever is needed to maximise the group performance in order to keep the business moving. To do this the manager has to have certain skills and characteristics. Personal characteristics: The personal characteristics are necessary to manage the group. Such personal attributes include aggressiveness, confidence, poise, decisiveness, resolution, toughness, integrity, versatility and quick thinking. Skills: The most important skills for successful managers are: a. Communication skills i.e.

Being a good communicator is an essential management skill. Organizational skills are vital to good management. Characteristics included in this skill are planning and goal-setting abilities, along with the ability to be analytical. Group or team building skills involve developing empathetic relationships with other members of the group, being sensitive to the needs of others, motivating people, and building a strong sense of team spirit. The best team leaders use a lot of “we” statements in describing the relevant subjects to the project. Leadership skills- Several different attributes and behaviours can be catalogued under leadership skills.

These included setting a good example, seeing the big picture, being enthusiastic, having a positive outlook, taking initiative, and trusting people. Coping Skills- Successful managers require coping or stress-management skills. Respondents indicated that both flexibility and creativity were involved in effectively coping with change, as were patience and persistence. Technical skills- Successful managers require a good background in their field.

Competitive Advantage through Employment Relationships Employment relationship has been recognised as a socio-economic exchange process which involves the mediation of different interests- the interest of employer to minimise the labour cost and the interest of the employee to maximise the labour price. Hence, employment relations engender bargaining which can either individual or collective and mobilisation the power in order to protect or advance such interest. Here a question emerges How 15.

can the power be mobilised? We must first begin by analysing the employment relationship drives conflict or co-operation. Conflict occurs in the employment relationship for the following reasons: sharing the economic returns in other words the fair wage, lay-offs (job security), and the authority (power). The contemporary fashion of employment relationship tends to increase the participation and involvement as a mediate and control such conflict.

Management knew that in order to control the conflict have to cope with the paradox of what might be called the “motivation-control equation”. One side is the need to ensure the active and positive participation of the workforce in the pursuit of business objectives- something which may be critical where the quality of the product or service is directly dependent on employee performance. This implies treating employees with respect, rewarding them fairly or even generously and, perhaps, seeking to elicit responsibility and trust. On the other side is the need to control work-behaviour in the light of the economic realities of competition and the profit-motive. These imply treating the employee as an economic resource to be made as economically efficient as possible: in the practice this may require extracting additional productivity for no additional cost, minimising wages and rewards and declaring redundancies (Keenoy 1992). As Hyman 1987 observes of this contradiction, “employers require workers to be both dependable and disposable”. Co-operation can be brought to the organization by keeping commitment, fair reward system and motivation and employees should have a voice in management and should have more decision power over work conditions.

16. Competitive Advantage through Strategic Management Framework Understanding sources of competitive advantage has become a major area of research in the field of strategic management.

Since the 1960’s organizational framework has been used to structure much of the research in this field. This framework suggests that organizations obtain sustained competitive advantages by implementing strategies that exploit their internal strengths, through responding to environmental opportunities, while neutralising external threats and avoiding internal weaknesses.

The idea of Harvard framework is that human resource strategy should be linked to business strategy but the need for consideration of, and compromise with, workforce and union aspirations is also recognised. Guest’s Framework (Guest, 1987) David Guest picks up the implicit theory in the Harvard framework and operationalises HRM as a particular employee relations strategy in which management simultaneously pursues goals of “high commitment, high quality, flexibility and strategic integration Boxall’s Framework (Boxall, 1995) Boxall 1996 defines strategy as a firm’s framework of critical ends and means. This definition helps to make the point that means do not flow unproblematically from ends. Rather, the historically developed means to shape what ends are conceivable and possible. A firm may aspire to market leadership but unless it has built the 17.

organizational and human resources to make this achievable, its executives would be wise to revise its goals accordingly. As an example an organization can not bid for a project unless it has the right equipment and talented operators required for doing the job effectively and efficiently. The organization should follow these looks when formulating and implementing the strategy. Superstars As in almost every area, there are business superstars: organizations that are perceived as extraordinarily successful based on their major accomplishments. One common superstar denominator is the recognition of the people factor.

Executives at superstar organizations give recognition to the people who have demonstrated outstanding performance: a. Qualcomm: With a distinguished reputation in technology innovation, QUALCOMM is a continuous learning organization dedicated to promoting the growth of its employees and the development of the surrounding community. General Electric: Jack Welch, former chairman and CEO of GE, transformed the company from an aging manufacturing bureaucracy into one of the world’s largest, most valuable global multinationals through the implementation of his conviction that behavior is driven by a fundamental core belief: The desire and ability of an organization to continuously learn from any source, anywhere, and to rapidly convert this learning into action is its ultimate competitive advantage. Honda: Having had a manufacturing presence in the United States for more than 40 years, Honda’s growth and expansion has a significant impact on the U.S. Economy in terms of both dollars and numbers of employees. Much of Honda’s success turns on the company’s respect for individual employees.

Southwest Airlines: Creating a culture of accountability and preserving and promoting the organization’s core values, known collectively as “SPIRIT,” Southwest has sustained growth and profitability when most airlines struggle to avoid bankruptcy. SAP: While some technology companies pin their potential on developing the latest, greatest techno-innovation, SAP, according to Les Hayman, chief officer of global human resources, knows that “you need a good strategy—not a brilliant one, but one you can execute. And you need a performance-driven culture and people who are emotionally engaged. If you have all those things, you’ll create the right product.” How can the organization identify Human Resources? To identify the human resources, an organization should be able to balance a highly focused performance management process which successfully links strategic to individual objectives, with a set of values that places concern and respect for individuals at the centre. 19. Once this balance is reached, then organization employees will be highly committed.

Also the organization should gain the employees trust through keeping its commitments in respect to training and career development made at the selection interviews. Will the level of work pressure be increased over time without any renegotiation of rewards, will the competitive environment of the organization or technology change in important ways that effect the nature of the job.

How can the organization defend its Human Resources? To defend the human resource an organization should create a complete model of HRM and employment relationships. It also should support long-term thinking, building ‘core competencies’ and also develop “sensing” capabilities. The future is essentially unpredictable, but the organization develops the capacity to sense the change.

A central role of the personnel function to develop this capability is to collect information about future trends in labour markets and skill sets, and in linking changes in aspirations, work practice and motivations without this insight, it is leading blind an organization into the future. The organization can also defend the human resource through building high commitment pride and trust which will bring a sustained competitive advantage because it will take years for competitors to reproduce the same level of commitment and trust. This also applies to employment security, along with constant informal and formal training programs and team development. The most important elements of the team development are the performance report which provides feedback to the job team about performance against the job plan, the reward and recognition systems, such a system 20. must make the link between performance and reward clear, explicit, and achievable in order to be effective, training which includes all activities designed to enhance the skills, knowledge, and capabilities of the project team.

The primary aim of team development is to improve the productivity performance. Improvements can come from many sources and can affect many areas of job performance, for example (PMI 1996) a. Improvements in individual skills may allow specific staff members to perform their assignment more effectively. Improvement in team behaviours may allow team members to devote a greater percentage of their effort to technical activities. Improvement in either individual skills or team capabilities may facilitate identifying and developing better ways of doing design work. How can the organization gain a competitive Advantage Through its Employees? To answer this question the organization must make the distinction between resource stock and process capabilities.

It may be helpful to make an analytical distinction between “human capital advantage” and “human process advantage”. The organization can have the possibility of generating human capital advantage through recruiting and retaining outstanding employees, through capturing a stock of exceptional human talent, talent with productive possibilities.

Human process advantage may be understood as a function of causally ambiguous, socially complex historically evolved process such as learning, co-operation and innovation, which are very difficult to imitate. Some firms may 21. have highly intelligent managers but may fail to maximize the interplay of their talents as a result of excessive infighting between departments. Human resource advantage, then the superiority of one firm’s labour management over others might be conceived as the product of its human capital advantage and human resource advantage. Advantage, as it were, can be traced to better employee employed in organization with better processes. Also the organization must distinguish between the competitive advantage and sustained competitive advantage. Competitive advantage can occur only in situations of organization resource heterogeneity and organization resource immobility, whereas sustained competitive advantage exists only when other organizations are incapable of duplicating the benefits of a competitive advantage.

Practical criteria of Best Practice for Competitive Advantage It summarizes a practical criterion that is seen to be important to create a competitive advantage: 1. Goals/objectives This contains a detailed statement of the general goals and their relationship to the company’s objectives. When the project goals are not clear, it is difficult to initiate/formulate the planning efficiently. The lack of planning contributes directly to unrealistic resource allocations and schedules.

Notably the key personnel should be actively involved in defining the specific work to be performed, the timing, the resources, the responsibilities, and positive participation in the pursuit of the goal /objectives. Recruitment The argument is how the management can recruit the right employees. Most of management uses a detailed job analysis and job description and some of them use one of the selection models to insure they are employing the right employees. Commitment Commitment is defined by Kline & Peters as a process by which people become psychologically bound to their action in such a way that feel a personal obligation to follow through on the implications of those actions.

Obtain commitment from all key personnel regarding the problem plan, its measures and results. This commitment can be enhanced and maintained by high participation of employees in definition of results, measuring criteria and schedules.

It is through this involvement that the employee gain a detailed understanding of the work to be performed, a feeling of importance, develops professional interests in the work and desires to succeed, and eventually makes a firm commitment toward the specific task and the overall project objectives. Tracking/coaching Define and implement a proper tracking/coaching system which captures and processes work performance data conveniently summarised for reviews and management actions.

Measurability Assure accurate measurements of performance data, especially technical progress against schedule and budget. Signing - On The process of signing on employees during the initial phases of the job or each task seems to be very important to a proper 23. understanding of the task objectives, the specific task and personal commitment. Interesting Work The managers should try to accommodate the professional interests and desires of supporting employees when negotiating their tasks. The effectiveness of the work depends on the manager’s ability to provide professionally stimulating and interesting work. This leads to increase involvement, better communications, lower conflict, and stronger commitment.

Communication Good communication is essential for effective work. It is the responsibility of the task leaders and ultimately the manager to provide the appropriate communication tools, techniques, and systems. These tools are not the status meeting, reviews, schedules, and reporting systems, but also the objective statements, specifications. Minimize Threats Managers must foster a work environment that is low on personal conflict, power struggles, surprises, and unrealistic demands. An atmosphere of mutual trust is necessary for the personnel to communicate problems and concerns candidly and at an early point in time. Design a Personal Appraisal and Reward System This should be consistent with the responsibilities of the employee and implies treating employees with respect, rewarding them fairly or even generously and, perhaps, seeking to elicit responsibility and trust. 24.

Recommendations For achieving a competitive advantage through the employees the following recommendations can be made: 1. The firm should use an analytical framework for strategic management because it provides identification of the relationship between key variables that should be analyzed and assistance of the practitioners to analyze and initiate appropriate policy in their own context. As mentioned earlier technology is an important factor in achieving competitive advantage but is worthless without the knowledge and talent of the operators using it. The management should trust their workers and give them responsible and challenging assignments, workers in return will respond with high motivation, high commitment and high performance 4. Choosing the right leaders. One feature of leadership style is its emphasis on the ability to generate commitment and enthuse others to innovate, to change and indeed to conquer new frontiers in the marketplace or on the shop floor. Providing good job descriptions and realistic targets and all required resources to achieve those targets.

Designing an effective rewards system and annual increases. Making communication system effective and wide and easy procedures for individuals to raise grievances and receive reply. Management commitment to full employment means that if the job disappears through technological change or shutting down then the company will offer alternative employment or helping them to find another one. An annual statement of each employee’s performance against set of objectives: this would include an assessment of progress, career ambitions and consideration of possible training. The organization effectiveness can be increased by improving the matching between what the organization requires of its employees and what they require of it.

Therefore the organization should be able to link its strategy to individual objectives. 12.The employer strategy should focus on creating competitive advantage through the employees and using the practices that support this strategy which include: a. Creating an attractive work environment b. Optimising people resource levels c.

Sharing information d. Developing capability e. Designing optimal work systems f. Aligning reward and recognition systems 13. Finally keep in mind the following five goals which provide a framework for identifying areas of human resource policy:- a.

HR should be integrated to strategic plans. Organizational commitment, combined with job commitment will result in high employee satisfaction, high performance, longer tenure and willingness to accept change.

Flexible organization together with flexible job content and flexible employees will result in a capacity to 26. respond swiftly and effectively to changes and ensure the continuing high utilization of human and other resources. High commitment, trust and motivation are to be maintained, then it is particularly important that management policy and practice is perceived to be high quality by lower grade employees. The pursuit of policies designed to ensure the recruitment and retention of high quality staff to undertake demanding jobs, supported by component management will result in high performance levels. Conclusion One factor that can set an organization apart from its competitors whether in services or products, in the private or public sector is its employees. The quality of the organization’s employees, their enthusiasm, and their satisfaction with their jobs and the company all have a significant impact on the organization’s productivity, level of customer service, reputation and survival. In other words, in a competitive environment, people make the difference.

Human resources are a critical component in every area of the organization, from finance to sales to customer service to line management. Managers and supervisors in every department confront human resource issues every day and are responsible not only for interactions within their own department, but also interactions between departments. The primary function of human resources today is to ensure the effective and efficient use of human talent to accomplish an organization’s goals and objectives. Using human resources as a competitive advantage means analysing what factors are necessary for the organization’s long- term success. Relevant areas to review include: organizational 27. design, key work processes, teams, hiring effective employees, promotion strategies, defining competencies and performance measures, training and development programs for current job and preparation for future positions, reward and recognition systems, motivation and retention, employee perceptions and customer perception of the organization and employees. In order to formulate appropriate competitive advantage through the employees program for an organization, it is first necessary to analyse the firm's competitive strategy or business strategy and organizational human resource practices.

The organization should create a complete model of HRM and employment relationship, also it should support long-term thinking, building ‘core competencies’ and also develop “sensing” capabilities. The future is essentially unpredictable, but the organization develops the capacity to sense the change. A central role of the personnel function to develop this capability to collect information about future trends in labour markets and skill sets, and in linking changes in aspirations, work practice and motivations without this insight, is leading the blind organization into the future. Successful companies know that there is a direct link between employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction. It is the responsibility of managers and supervisors to ensure those employees are motivated, productive and positive-if not enthusiastic-about their work. This means integrating human resources practices with core business practices: encouraging all departments to work together on 'people' programs that bring value to the organization and improve productivity and quality in products and services.

Positive human resources business programs translate into a positive financial impact on the organization. There are many organizations where the emphasis on human resources has made a difference in the performance of the organization. These organizations acknowledge the significance of their employees in making a difference in the company and providing the essential ingredient for its competitive advantage.

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