Install Ilbc Codec Asterisk Key

Posted By admin On 14.10.19
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Install Ilbc Codec Asterisk. We assume that you already have a computer with Asterisk. You may end the test by hanging up or pressing the pound key.

Ilbc codec download

Digium G.729 Software Codec for Asterisk README for Version 3.1.x modules Digium offers a software implementation of G.729 that is compatible with Asterisk and is properly licensed from the intellectual property rights and patent holders. Please visit the following web address to read more about this product and to purchase license keys: Follow the instructions below to download and install the Digium G.729 Software Codec for Asterisk. Installation Overview Once you have a G.729 license key, there are four primary tasks to perform in order to install the G.729 software codec. 1) Download and execute the 'register' utility to generate a valid license.

2) Download and execute the 'benchg729' utility to determine the optimum build. 3) Use the 'G.729 Selector' web utility to determine the recommended G.729 codec binary download package. 4) Download and install the 'codecg729' binary that is built for your platform. The steps to complete these tasks are described in the Installation Procedure section. The register utility may be downloaded from: The benchg729 utility may be downloaded from: The G.729 Selector may be viewed from: The G.729 codec binary may be downloaded from: Notes: - Supported software builds are provided for 32-bit and 64-bit x86 platforms, and are optimized for a variety of processor types.

Choose the directory that closest matches your Asterisk version and processor type. Each of these directories contains codec TAR files which include the G.729 codec binary for each type of supported processor.

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The register utility and G.729 codec binaries for additional processor types and operating systems may be found in the unsupported directory. Installation Procedure 1) Download and execute the register utility to generate a valid license. 1.1) Download the register utility to the root home directory of your Asterisk server. First, log in as the user 'root'. Command-line Example for 32-bit Linux: # cd /root # wget 1.2) Change the permissions of the /root/register file to r-x-. Command-line Example: # chmod 500 /root/register 1.3) Run the register utility and follow the interactive instructions.

The registration utility will prompt you for your G.729 license key. Command-line Example: # /root/register Notes: - Internet access is required from your Asterisk server in order to register your G.729 key for licensed use. Outgoing network traffic to TCP port 443 (SSL) must be allowed in order for the register utility to successfully communicate with Digium's license server and complete the registration process. 2) Download and execute the benchg729 utility to determine the optimum build. There are various optimized versions of the G.729 codec binary available for different CPU types in both x86-32 and x86-64 architectures. To determine which build of the module performs best on your system, the benchg729 utility will run a series of tests, and report which codec module will maximize encoding performance on your system.

Ilbc Codec Download

NOTE: Using the x86-32 version on an x86-64 system may return useless results. Be sure to select the proper version for your architecture. 2.1) Download the benchg729 utility to the root home directory of your Asterisk server. Command-line Example for 32-bit Linux: # cd /root # wget benchg729/x86-32/benchg729 2.2) Change the permissions of the /root/benchg729 file to r-x-. Command-line Example: # chmod 500 /root/benchg729 2.3) Run the benchg729 utility and record the build that it recommends should be used for your platform. Command-line Example: # /root/benchg729 3) Use the 'G.729 Selector' web utility to determine the recommended G.729 codec binary download package.

Depending upon your version of Asterisk and processor architecture, different G.729 codec binaries are recommended for the use of G.729. Digium provides a G.729 Selector web utility in order to assist with choosing the correct G.729 codec binary. The G.729 Selector web utility should be viewed with a standard web browser and may be accessed via the following URL: The file that the G.729 Selector web utility informs you is recommended for your platform should be the file that you use in place of the examples provided in step 4 of this section. 4) Download and install the codecg729 binary that is built for your platform. There are different versions of the G.729 codec binary for various Asterisk releases: There are two versions for Asterisk 1.8.x point releases (one for 1.8.0 through 1.8.3, another for 1.8.4 and following); there is a single version for 10.x (10.0) and a single version for 11.x (11.0). Take note that these modules are.not. loadable in prior releases of Asterisk, and will only load in the specific version for which they are designed.

Be sure that you download the correct version of the G.729 codec binary for your Asterisk version, as recommended by the G.729 Selector web utility in step 3. In addition, updated builds of the G.729 codec binary are frequently released.

Each build has a 'version number'. This version number is part of the filename, and is also included in the copyright/license message that is displayed when the module is loaded into Asterisk. In this document, build number '3.1.2' has been used as an example.

Keep in mind that the current build number may be newer when you read this document. 4.1) Download G.729 to the root home directory of your Asterisk server, replacing 'pentium4m' in the example with the recommended build and '32' in the example with your CPU architecture. Command-line Example for 32-bit Linux: # cd /root # wget asterisk-1.8.4/x86-32/codecg729a- 4.2) Expand the codecg729 archive and copy the file to the /usr/lib/asterisk/modules directory. Command-line Example for 32-bit Linux: # tar xzvf codecg729a- # cp /root/codecg729a- /usr/lib /asterisk/modules 4.3) The G.729 codec binary must be loaded in order to initialize your new G.729 licensed channels.

(See General Notes to use multiple licenses on one server.) Command-line Example for new installs: # asterisk -rx 'module load' Command-line Example for a codecg729 upgrade: # asterisk -rx 'module reload' 4.4) Verify that the number of G.729 licensed channels available to Asterisk matches the number of G.729 licensed channels that you purchased. This can be verified by issuing 'g729 show licenses' in the Asterisk CLI. Take into consideration any previous G.729 licensed channels that you had already registered to your Asterisk server before verifying this number. Command-line Example: # asterisk -rvvv.CLI g729 show licenses 0/0 encoders/decoders of 26 licensed channels are currently in use Licenses Found: Key: G729-EXAMPLE1 - Host-ID: ex:am:pl:e0:ex:am:pl:e0:ex:am:pl:e0:ex: am:pl:e0:ex:am:pl:e0 - Channels: 2 (Expires: 2026-09-26) (OK) Key: G729-EXAMPLE2 - Host-ID: ex:am:pl:e0:ex:am:pl:e0:ex:am:pl:e0:ex: am:pl:e0:ex:am:pl:e0 - Channels: 24 (Expires: 2026-09-26) (OK) 5) Copy the generated license files to a safe place as described in the Backup Procedure section. Backup Procedure It is extremely important that you backup all of the files located in the /var/lib/asterisk/licenses directory. This directory contains the Host-ID specific license files for your system. These license files are tied to the MAC address of all the ethernet devices installed in your system.


Creating a backup of this directory will allow you to restore your G.729 license file in case you need to reinstall your operating system. This will help prevent the need to contact Digium to request authorization to increment your G.729 key and from needing to purchase a new G.729 key if you exceed the maximum number of G.729 key increments allowed. General Notes - Multiple G.729 keys may be registered to the same Asterisk server. This will allow you to increase the total number of available G.729 licensed channels on your Asterisk server. New G.729 keys may be registered to your Asterisk server using the same instructions provided in the Installation Procedure section. There will be an additional G.729 license file generated in the /var/lib/asterisk/licenses directory for each G.729 key that is successfully registered to your Asterisk server.

It is extremely important that you follow the instructions provided in Backup Procedure section whenever a new G.729 key is successfully registered to your Asterisk server. A G.729 key must be re-registered if any of the Ethernet devices in your Asterisk server are changed, added, or removed. The unique G.729 license file which is located in your /var/lib/asterisk/licenses directory is tied to the MAC address of all the Ethernet devices installed in your system. A G.729 key can only be re-registered once without authorization from Digium. Digium must be contacted by phone in order to request authorization to have your G.729 key incremented.

Digium reserves the right to deny authorization for having a G.729 key incremented. The silence suppression feature is not available using the file.

Asterisk will generate output similar to 'Dropping extra frame of G.729 since we already have a VAD frame at the end' if the remote end is attempting to use silence suppression with G.729. Consult with the remote end to ensure that silence suppression is not being used. You may have problems using G.729 if the remote end attempts to use silence suppression. It is not required or suggested to specify a load line in the /etc/asterisk/modules.conf for the file. Asterisk will automatically load it using the autoload option. The autoload option is set on by default. Asterisk CLI Commands The G.729 codec binary provides the following Asterisk CLI commands: 'g729 show hostid' 'g729 show licenses' 'g729 show version' These are explained in greater detail below.

Issuing 'g729 show hostid' on the Asterisk CLI will display the system's Host-ID. Command-line Example: # asterisk -rvvv.CLI g729 show hostid Host-ID: ex:am:pl:e0:ex:am:pl:e0:ex:am:pl:e0:ex:am:pl:e0:ex:am:pl:e0 - Issuing 'g729 show licenses' on the Asterisk CLI will display all G.729 licenses and their utilization. Command-line Example: # asterisk -rvvv.CLI g729 show licenses 0/0 encoders/decoders of 26 licensed channels are currently in use Licenses Found: Key: G729-EXAMPLE1 - Host-ID: ex:am:pl:e0:ex:am:pl:e0:ex:am:pl:e0:ex:a m:pl:e0:ex:am:pl:e0 - Channels: 2 (Expires: 2026-09-26) (OK) Key: G729-EXAMPLE2 - Host-ID: ex:am:pl:e0:ex:am:pl:e0:ex:am:pl:e0:ex:a m:pl:e0:ex:am:pl:e0 - Channels: 24 (Expires: 2026-09-26) (OK) - Issuing 'g729 show version' on the Asterisk CLI will display the G.729 codec binary version. Command-line Example: # asterisk -rvvv.CLI g729 show version Digium G.729A Module Version (optimized for pentium4m32) AMI Actions The G.729 codec binary provides the following AMI actions: 'G729LicenseList' 'G729LicenseStatus' These are explained in greater detail below. Issuing the 'G729LicenseList' AMI action will display all G.729 licenses and their loading status. AMI Example: Action: G729LicenseList Response: Success Message: License list will follow Event: G729License Key: G729-EXAMPLE1 Host-ID: ex:am:pl:e0:ex:am:pl:e0:ex:am:pl:e0:ex:am:pl:e0:ex:am:pl:e0 Channels: 2 ExpDate: 2026-09-26 Status: OK Event: G729License Key: G729-EXAMPLE2 Host-ID: ex:am:pl:e0:ex:am:pl:e0:ex:am:pl:e0:ex:am:pl:e0:ex:am:pl:e0 Channels: 24 ExpDate: 2026-09-26 Status: OK Event: G729LicenseList complete - Issuing the 'G729LicenseStatus' AMI action will display G.729 license utilization.


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AMI Example: Action: G729LicenseStatus Response: Success ChannelsLicensed: 26 EncodersInUse: 0 DecodersInUse: 0 Technical Support For more help, please visit the G.729 category of the Digium Knowledgebase: If you have any questions or concerns, contact Digium Technical Support by phone, either toll-free within the US at 1.877.DIGIUM.1(1.877.344.4861) or directly at +1.256.428.6000. You may also contact Digium Technical Support by visiting Was this answer helpful?