Cetim Cobra Software Corrections

Posted By admin On 18.09.19

Summary COBRA is Exxim's implementation of 3D CT reconstruction using the filtered back-projection algorithm (Feldkamp) or Exxim's proprietary algorithm (SAMARA, extended view technology). For more information: and install trial version of COBRA. Additional details are presented in the COBRA can be used as a standalone program or be integrated into the user application. Versions V1.5 Nov 2002 First official version, implementation of filtered back-projection algorithm (FDK). Supports in-line reconstruction through COM interface.

V2.x Feb 2003 Supports cluster solutions. V3.x Jul 2003 SDK was supplemented by a DLL interface, which presents COBRA functionality for integration independent of its GUI. Choice between nearest neighbor and bi-linear interpolation in back- projection routine. More flexibility for the input and output data format. V4.x Feb 2004 Streak and metal artifact reduction supplied by SAMARA implementation. Faster bi-linear interpolation mode.

Cetim Cobra (English version). Export of calculation memos to word processing software. V6 version of Cetim’s Cobra software provides you with a French.

Supporting generic scanner geometry via projection matrices. V5.x Apr 2006 Innovative edge-preserving noise reduction technique. Geometry calibration utility. Extended FOV reconstruction technology. TCP/IP inter-component communications.

Cetim Cobra Software Corrections

V6.x Starting July 2007 Significant speed-up of image reconstruction by using the optional GPU implementation. Higher accuracy through floating point format. Polynomial beam hardening correction. Iterative correction of Feldkamp artifacts CFA.

Travis Cobra Software

Improved geometry calibration utility. Performance COBRA directly replaces other hardware-accelerated versions currently on the market. COBRA efficiently utilizes multi-CPU platforms (dual- or quad), networked PCs (cluster solutions, v.2 and higher) and modern graphics accelerators to achieve fast CT reconstruction (v.6 and higher released in July 2007. The PC: Dual Pentium 2.4GHz. Reconstruction of 512 cube volume from 360 input projections of 512 square pixels takes less than 100 seconds (excludes volume storage on HD). Using the optional GPU configuration with nVidia GeForce 285 GTX: less than 18 seconds Distributed (cluster) solutions COBRA allows distributed calculations.

After installion, no user interactions on remote computer(s) are necessary. Almost linear scaling of speed achievable. SDK The complete COBRA functionality is available in form of a Software Development Kit (SDK).

The SDK provides a choice between two interfaces: DCOM or DLL. DCOM allows incorporating COBRA's functionality into any application, which is compatible with the MS COM model (e.g. Language or compiler are not restricted). The DLL interface provides integration into the user application without COBRAs GUI on the PC desktop. Streak and metal artifact reduction For datasets, which result in streak and metal artifacts in the image, COBRA provides a special algorithm, which is more tolerant to input data im- perfections. The correction works regardless of the underlying cause, e.g.

Absorption non-linearities or geometry misalignment. The runtime penalty of this reconstruction process in comparison with standard Feldkamp: - for streak artifact reduction approx. 2.5 times longer - for metal artifact reduction approx. 3.5 times longer : :.


Cetim Cobra has found broad success with the transport industry. The latest version of Cobra features the following. support for the latest industrial recommendations,. optimised database management,. improved software ergonomics and user-friendliness,.

integration of new technologies, such as the integration of Nordlock washers,. export of calculation memos to word processing software. V6 version of Cetim’s Cobra software provides you with a French - English bilingual solution. Calculate your bolted joints to suit the expected service conditions.

Cetim Cobra allows you to check the static and dynamic behaviour of screws, bolts and studs, depending on the following:. geometry of the attachment point and of the assembled parts,. assembling conditions and stresses introduced during the assembling process,.

mechanical and thermal stresses in service,. conditions of application of the tightening torque. Optimise your bolted joints in accordance with the directives currently in force:. Cetim Cobra complies with the various industrial recommendations and allows you to compare the results obtained as per the following standards:. VDI 2230 (1986), VDI 2230 (2003), VDI 2230 (2014).

FDE 25-030,. Standard NFE 2503 part 1 & 2. ESA PSS.03.208 (issue 1). Avoid separation and loosening of your bolted joints.

Cetim Cobra ensures the two main functions of a bolted joint:. without oversizing or unnecessary safety coefficient,. through optimisation of the various parameters by fast simulation calculation,.

through comparison of technically permissible configurations in relation to economic criteria,. through viewing of the pressure cone inside the bolted joint and the compressed surfaces. Determine the optimum tightening torque in relation to:.

the stresses,. the strength of the bolt,. the withdrawal strength of the threads,. the peening of the seating surfaces,. the friction torque. Training to bolted joint dimensioning.

Cetim offers various training sessions to better suit your needs:. Training session in your premises: Optimisation and dimensioning of bolted joints with COBRA V6 software. duration: 4.5 days on site,. personnel concerned: training for technical advisors and design office or process engineers,. content:. knowledge of standards,. characteristics of a bolt,.

behaviour of bolted joint,. presentation of Cobra V6 software,. practical work with Cobra V6,. study of a concrete case with Cobra V6. Inter-company training: Dimensioning of bolted joints and use of the Cobra V6 software. duration: 3 days in Cetim’s premises,. personnel concerned: training for design office or process technicians and engineers,.

Cobra Software

content:. static and dynamic characteristics of attachment parts,.


design of a bolted joint,. determination of the tightening torque,. presentation of Cobra V6 software,.

practical work with Cobra V6,. loosening, off-centred forces,. Cobra V6 database. Inter-company training: Use of the V6 Cobra software.

duration: 1 day in Cetim’s premises or on site,. personnel concerned: design office or process technicians and engineers involved in the calculation of bolted joints and the implementation of the tightening torque,. content:. introduction to bolted joints,.

presentation of Cobra V6,. practical work with Cobra V6,.

loosening, off-centred forces,. Cobra V6 database. Ask for your FREE trial version:. Some of our customers:. After 3 months used by 6 industrial beta testers, Software development team have just signed the Ready to Manufacturing delivery. Cobra V6 integrates bolted joint dimensioning performed per VDI 2230 (2003). Customer under valid maintenance contract will receive soon this new “state of the art” version.

Special Training for Cobra V5 users Cetim has set up a special dedicated training for Cobra V5 users in order to discover the new user interface and understand the difference between the 2 codes: VDI 2230 (1986) and VDI 2230 ( 2003).