Earthmate Lt-40 Drivers
Posted By admin On 13.10.19I have a new Lenovo R500 running Win7 Pro 64 bit. I can confirm the Delorme Serial Emulator won't work. Win 7 refuses to install it under any method.

I am also running the Win XP mode under Win 7. This mode is a 32-bit version of Win XP running as a virtual package under Win 7 64-bit. I was able to install the Delorme Serial Emulator program on this mode, and got no no error messages. This installation appears to run in the same way as a standalone Win XP machine, however it does not detect an LT-40 GPS receiver connected to the laptop. Besides the LT-40 I have 2 Delorme Tripmates, 2 Garmin Etrexes & 1 Delorme PN-20, so I was hoping I'd be able to use something I already have. The LT-40 was nice because it was small, got its power from the port, was more durable, and got a very rapid fix compared to the others.
Earthmate Lt-40 Drivers
Dec 12, 2012 Earthmate LT-20 GPS with. Able to get the Delorme LT-40 to work. The Serial Emulator software but also the driver for the Earthmate in. Free earthmate gps lt 40 drivers download software at UpdateStar.

I have discovered that the Serial-USB adapter I had laying around from a couple of laptops ago, is recognized by Win7 which somehow locates a driver & creates a USB Serial port (COM 4) once the first Plug & Play Installation is done. That adapter I can plug my Garmin Etrex's serial cable into, configure Streets & Trips to use COM 4, and navigate with that. Bloods gang members.
It's kind of clunky with all the cables & adapters, but I've navigated with that setup on previous laptops. The Etrex had to be setup to send NMEA over its interface. I had an old GPS diagnostic utility, from CNet, which installed without a hiccup into Win7, and which, once installed, will display the data from a COM port of your choice, as it spills out of the Etrex. I post this in case anyone else is interested. I will look for another USB GPS receiver eventually. Besides the LT-40 I have 2 Delorme Tripmates, 2 Garmin Etrexes & 1 Delorme PN-20, so I was hoping I'd be able to use something I already have. The LT-40 was nice because it was small, got its power from the port, was more durable, and got a very rapid fix compared to the others.
I have discovered that the Serial-USB adapter I had laying around from a couple of laptops ago, is recognized by Win7 which somehow locates a driver & creates a USB Serial port (COM 4) once the first Plug & Play Installation is done. That adapter I can plug my Garmin Etrex's serial cable into, configure Streets & Trips to use COM 4, and navigate with that.
It's kind of clunky with all the cables & adapters, but I've navigated with that setup on previous laptops. The Etrex had to be setup to send NMEA over its interface. I had an old GPS diagnostic utility, from CNet, which installed without a hiccup into Win7, and which, once installed, will display the data from a COM port of your choice, as it spills out of the Etrex. I post this in case anyone else is interested. I will look for another USB GPS receiver eventually. @tresho how do i run that software (Gps Diag) i downloaded it whats the next steps?
If any of you are using Windows 7, you can connect to Google Earth directly without having to install Earth Bridge. Just install the DeLorme Serial Emulator according to the instructions here, and then run Google Earth in Windows XP SP3 compatibility mode (Right-click on Google Earth icon, then go to PropertiesCompatibility and select from drop-down menu). Then, start GPS in Google Earth by going to ToolsGPSRealtime(tab). After clicking start, Google Earth should detect the GPS easily.
I still prefer using Earth Bridge because you can make it not fly to the placemark every time the GPS updates (which gets pretty annoying). To get Earth Bridge to work with Windows 7, set its compatibility mode to Windows XP SP3. This procedure works! But only if your operating system is Windows XP.and. you are continously connected to the internet. First tried it on my laptop running Win7 (32-bit version). Earthbridge never saw the Delorme Serial Emulator.
Another problem you will be up against: Google Earth does not store the 3D map of the earth on your computer. Unless you have a fast internet connection while you are mobile, it will not work. Google Earth uses the internet connection as a 3D map image server. I liked your instructable.
Earthmate App For Windows 10
I use MS Streets & Trips as well as DeLorme Street Atlas in my car on a Laptop. I'd like to give your instructable a spin only you forgot to explain how to cache a map of the city from Google Earth's map's (free version of GE). Can you help me out with this?

Earthmate Outdoor
How do I cache a map of the city? If I buy GE Plus would the maps be a higher (resolution) quality? Would you cache maps the same way? Would everything else be the same using GE Plus? Thanks for your instructable and your heip. 10 years ago.